Healthy living thru life style changes and attitude - here you will find, tips, recipes, safety checks, motivation and inspiration
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Better than shakes... Ideas for better nutrition
The Paleo Diet Recipes solution mimics our hunter and gatherer ancestors. So if you can find or kill it in nature, you can eat it…essentially. For those of you that would like the hard core rules ironed out, keep reading.
Eat Your Vegetables: Eat as many and as much fresh or frozen vegetables as you want. Go organic and live it up. And don’t be shy, these can be eaten raw or cooked, any way you like!
No Dairy: Nope. Did you know that humans are the only species to continue to drink milk after infancy? Did you know that dairy is an immune system stressor and everyone is allergic to cow dairy to some extent? The Bottom Line? Avoid all Dairy – this includes milk, butter, cream, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, etc etc.
Go Carnivore:Try to focus on moderate to high animal protein. Your body craves it and your wasteline will thank you. I used to be vegetarian and I must tell you, after 20 years of not eating beef or pork, I feel better now than I ever did as a vegetarian. If you don’t have serious PITA morals, go back to meat. And yes, that means even fattier cuts like bacon and ribs. We eat a variety of poultry, seafood, red meats and eggs – all wild caught or grassfed (as the hormones will mess up your system…have you seen how big kids are today??? Not. Natural.)
Avoid Most Starches: No corn products, no potatoes, no rice, no breads. If you feel you need rice, try cauliflower. You can food process it and spice it up to help you get over the hump…its surprisingly good! The exception here is tubers like sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips and plantains – these are OK. Try to think “Can I Eat It Raw?” and if the answer is YES, then you can eat it on the Paleo diet. See our recipes for other ways to mimic the foods you may miss (including cookies!).
No Processed Foods: If it comes in the freezer section or in a box, you probably can’t eat it. It is most important that you avoid nitrates. So watch out for those (especially in things like bacon and sausage, as they make some that is grassfed and without nitrates).
Oils: Good oils to use (and use them plenty) include coconut (our favorite for cooking), palm, avocado, sesame, grapeseed (also great for cooking without the flavor of coconut) and olive oil. Avoid corn, cottonseed, peanut, soybean, rice bran, and wheat germ oils. Avoid any foods made with these oils (yes, that means in foods like chips and mayo…whether it is organic or not).
No Grains: None. Nada. Not even corn (yes, corn is a grain). And I’ll tell you why. Wheat has gluten and all grains have a very high glycemic index – which means that these foods carry sugar too rapidly into the bloodstream. For more details, read “The Paleo Solution” by Robb Wolf. He details the internal effects of going Paleo in length and it’s really a fantastic read.
Legumes (Beans, Peas, Peanuts):You might be thinking these are ok, but consider: even though I can find it in nature, can I eat it raw? And the answer to legumes is no. Go ahead, eat a raw kidney bean and tell me if it’s tasty. Prior to agriculture, legumes were very rare and were not a staple in our diets. They contain lectins, saponins or protease inhibitors that are bad news for our hormonal and immune system. See Rob’s book again for more info.
Fruits and Fruit Juices: We eat all the fruits we want, but again, if you are trying to lose a vast amount of weight, I would limit your intake, as fruits contain a lot of sugar. Remember, the sugar is natural, but its still sugar! Go organic. If you are drinking juices, go for organic, not from concentrate, non-blends. If you are in for the weight loss, see our Glycemic Index to see which fruits are higher and lower in sugar.
Nuts: If you can find it in nature, you can eat it. So cashews, pecans, almonds, walnuts, etc are ok. They have essential oils, fats and proteins that are good for you, but keep it to a minimum. The logic behind this is that nuts contain phytic acid (commonly found in grains and legumes), which interferes with enzymes we need to digest our food. Moderation is OK, but if you eat a lot, it can lead to mineral deficiencies like osteoporosis. Think Caveman: How many nuts could you find in nature, crack, and eat before you gave up? …about a handful I’m assuming, which is about right.
Salt: Do not use iodized salt, go for sea salt instead if you need it. Salt was not common in the Paleo era, nor should it be in your diet.
Booze: Let’s be honest. It’s hard to give up the booze. But you can’t give it up, you can do it Paleo-style. We drink wine (as it is gluten free) that is organically grown and beer that is gluten free or hard ciders. Some recommendations are Bards (made from sorghum) and Woodchuck (made from apples). Rob Wolf also recommends what he calls the “Nor-Cal” Margarita. Its soda water, lime and 100% agave tequila. This is also something that we drink occasionally.
Nix the sugars: No soft drinks, no koolaids, no processed fruit snacks, etc. Remember, if it comes ready made, you probably shouldn’t eat it.
Portion Control: Eat as much of these foods as you want! If you need to seriously lose some pounds, you may want to consider limiting you intake of fruits and nuts, but otherwise, go wild!
Supplements: Are not entirely necessary, but we have several recommendations that have worked out great for us. See the supplements section for more details.
Eating Schedule: Don’t keep a schedule. Eat when you are hungry, don’t eat when you aren’t. You will have days where you go all day with no food and others where you eat every few hours. This is normal. Just do what feels natural.
Eat Your Vegetables: Eat as many and as much fresh or frozen vegetables as you want. Go organic and live it up. And don’t be shy, these can be eaten raw or cooked, any way you like!
No Dairy: Nope. Did you know that humans are the only species to continue to drink milk after infancy? Did you know that dairy is an immune system stressor and everyone is allergic to cow dairy to some extent? The Bottom Line? Avoid all Dairy – this includes milk, butter, cream, yogurt, ice cream, cheese, etc etc.
Go Carnivore:Try to focus on moderate to high animal protein. Your body craves it and your wasteline will thank you. I used to be vegetarian and I must tell you, after 20 years of not eating beef or pork, I feel better now than I ever did as a vegetarian. If you don’t have serious PITA morals, go back to meat. And yes, that means even fattier cuts like bacon and ribs. We eat a variety of poultry, seafood, red meats and eggs – all wild caught or grassfed (as the hormones will mess up your system…have you seen how big kids are today??? Not. Natural.)
Avoid Most Starches: No corn products, no potatoes, no rice, no breads. If you feel you need rice, try cauliflower. You can food process it and spice it up to help you get over the hump…its surprisingly good! The exception here is tubers like sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips and plantains – these are OK. Try to think “Can I Eat It Raw?” and if the answer is YES, then you can eat it on the Paleo diet. See our recipes for other ways to mimic the foods you may miss (including cookies!).
No Processed Foods: If it comes in the freezer section or in a box, you probably can’t eat it. It is most important that you avoid nitrates. So watch out for those (especially in things like bacon and sausage, as they make some that is grassfed and without nitrates).
Oils: Good oils to use (and use them plenty) include coconut (our favorite for cooking), palm, avocado, sesame, grapeseed (also great for cooking without the flavor of coconut) and olive oil. Avoid corn, cottonseed, peanut, soybean, rice bran, and wheat germ oils. Avoid any foods made with these oils (yes, that means in foods like chips and mayo…whether it is organic or not).
No Grains: None. Nada. Not even corn (yes, corn is a grain). And I’ll tell you why. Wheat has gluten and all grains have a very high glycemic index – which means that these foods carry sugar too rapidly into the bloodstream. For more details, read “The Paleo Solution” by Robb Wolf. He details the internal effects of going Paleo in length and it’s really a fantastic read.
Legumes (Beans, Peas, Peanuts):You might be thinking these are ok, but consider: even though I can find it in nature, can I eat it raw? And the answer to legumes is no. Go ahead, eat a raw kidney bean and tell me if it’s tasty. Prior to agriculture, legumes were very rare and were not a staple in our diets. They contain lectins, saponins or protease inhibitors that are bad news for our hormonal and immune system. See Rob’s book again for more info.
Fruits and Fruit Juices: We eat all the fruits we want, but again, if you are trying to lose a vast amount of weight, I would limit your intake, as fruits contain a lot of sugar. Remember, the sugar is natural, but its still sugar! Go organic. If you are drinking juices, go for organic, not from concentrate, non-blends. If you are in for the weight loss, see our Glycemic Index to see which fruits are higher and lower in sugar.
Nuts: If you can find it in nature, you can eat it. So cashews, pecans, almonds, walnuts, etc are ok. They have essential oils, fats and proteins that are good for you, but keep it to a minimum. The logic behind this is that nuts contain phytic acid (commonly found in grains and legumes), which interferes with enzymes we need to digest our food. Moderation is OK, but if you eat a lot, it can lead to mineral deficiencies like osteoporosis. Think Caveman: How many nuts could you find in nature, crack, and eat before you gave up? …about a handful I’m assuming, which is about right.
Salt: Do not use iodized salt, go for sea salt instead if you need it. Salt was not common in the Paleo era, nor should it be in your diet.
Booze: Let’s be honest. It’s hard to give up the booze. But you can’t give it up, you can do it Paleo-style. We drink wine (as it is gluten free) that is organically grown and beer that is gluten free or hard ciders. Some recommendations are Bards (made from sorghum) and Woodchuck (made from apples). Rob Wolf also recommends what he calls the “Nor-Cal” Margarita. Its soda water, lime and 100% agave tequila. This is also something that we drink occasionally.
Nix the sugars: No soft drinks, no koolaids, no processed fruit snacks, etc. Remember, if it comes ready made, you probably shouldn’t eat it.
Portion Control: Eat as much of these foods as you want! If you need to seriously lose some pounds, you may want to consider limiting you intake of fruits and nuts, but otherwise, go wild!
Supplements: Are not entirely necessary, but we have several recommendations that have worked out great for us. See the supplements section for more details.
Eating Schedule: Don’t keep a schedule. Eat when you are hungry, don’t eat when you aren’t. You will have days where you go all day with no food and others where you eat every few hours. This is normal. Just do what feels natural.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Simple Explanation of Health Care
I was in my neighborhood restaurant this morning and was seated behind a group of jubilant individuals celebrating the successful passing of the recent health care bill. I could not finish my breakfa
I was in my neighborhood restaurant this morning and was seated behind a group of jubilant individuals celebrating the successful passing of the recent health care bill. I could not finish my breakfa
st. This is what ensued:
They were a diverse group of several races and both sexes. I heard the young man exclaim, “Isn’t Obama like Jesus Christ? I mean, afte
r all, he is healing the sick.” The young woman enthusiastically proclaimed, “Yeah, and he does it for free. I cannot believe anyone would think that a free market would work for health care. Another said, ‘The stupid Republicans want us all to starve to death so they can inherit all of the power. Obama should be made a Saint for what he did for those of us less fortunate.” At this, I had more than enough.
I arose from my seat, mustering all the restraint I could find, and approached their table. “Please excuse me; may I impose upon you for one moment?” They smiled and welcomed me to the conversation. I stood at the end of their table, smiled as best I could and began an experiment.
“I would like to give one of you my house. It will cost you no money and I will pay all of the expenses and taxes for as long as you live there. Anyone interested?” They looked at each other in astonishment. “Why would you do something like that?” asked a young man, “There isn’t anything for free in this world.” They began to laugh at me, as they did not realize this man had just made my point. “I am serious, I will give you my house for free, no money what so ever. Anyone interested?” In unison, a resounding “Hell Yeah” fills the room.
“Since there are too many of you, I will have to make a choice as to who receives this money-free bargain.” I noticed an elderly couple was paying attention to the spectacle unfolding before their eyes, the old man shaking his head in apparent disgust. “I tell you what; I will give it to the one of you most willing to obey my rules.” Again, they looked at one another, an expression of bewilderment on their faces. The perky young woman asked, “What are the rules?” I smiled and said, “I don’t know. I have not yet defined them. However, it is a free home that I offer you.” They giggled amongst themselves, the youngest of which said, “What an old coot. He must be crazy to give away his home. Go take your meds, old man.” I smiled and leaned into the table a bit further. “I am serious, this is a legitimate offer.” They gaped at me for a moment.
“I’ll take it you old fool. Where are the keys?” boasted the youngest among them. “Then I presume you accept ALL of my terms then?” I asked.. The elderly couple seemed amused and entertained as they watched from the privacy of their table. “Oh hell yeah! Where do I sign up?” I took a napkin and wrote, “I give this man my home, without the burden of financial obligation, so long as he accepts and abides by the terms that I shall set forth upon consummation of this transaction.” I signed it and handed it to the young man who eagerly scratched out his signature. “Where are the keys to my new house?” he asked in a mocking tone of voice. All eyes were upon us as I stepped back from the table, pulling the keys from pocket and dangling them before the excited new homeowner.
“Now that we have entered into this binding contract, witnessed by all of your friends, I have decided upon the conditions you are obligated to adhere from this point forward. You may only live in the house for one hour a day. You will not use anything inside of the home. You will obey me without question or resistance. I expect complete loyalty and admiration for this gift I bestow upon you. You will accept my commands and wishes with enthusiasm, no matter the nature. Your morals and principles shall be as mine. You will vote as I do, think as I do and do it with blind faith. These are my terms. Here are your keys.” I reached the keys forward and the young man looked at me dumbfounded.
“Are you out of your mind? Who would ever agree to those ridiculous terms?” the young man appeared irritated. “You did when you signed this contract before reading it, understanding it and with the full knowledge that I would provide my conditions only after you committed to the agreement.” Was all I said. The elderly man chuckled as his wife tried to restrain him. I was looking at a now silenced and bewildered group of people. “You can shove that stupid deal up you’re a** old man, I want no part of it” exclaimed the now infuriated young man. “You have committed to the contract, as witnessed by all of your friends; you cannot get out of the deal unless I agree to it. I do not intend to let you free now that I have you ensnared. I am the power you agreed to. I am the one you blindly and without thought chose to enslave yourself to. In short, I am your Master.” At this, the table of celebrating individuals became a unified group against the unfairness of the deal.
After a few moments of unrepeatable comments and slurs, I revealed my true intent. “What I did to you is what this administration and congress did to you with the health care legislation. I easily suckered you in and then revealed the real cost of the bargain. Your folly was in the belief that you can have something you did not earn; that you are entitled to that which you did not earn; that you willingly allowed someone else to think for you. Your failure to research, study and inform yourself permitted reason to escape you. You have entered into a trap from which you cannot flee. Your only chance of freedom is if your new Master gives it to you. A freedom that is given can also be taken away; therefore, it is not freedom.” With that, I tore up the napkin and placed it before the astonished young man. “This is the nature of your new health care legislation.”
I turned away to leave these few in thought and contemplation and was surprised by applause. The elderly gentleman, who was clearly entertained, shook my hand enthusiastically and said, “Thank you Sir, these kids don’t understand Liberty these days.” He refused to allow me to pay my bill as he said, “You earned this one, it is an honor to pickup the tab.” I shook his hand in thanks, leaving the restaurant somewhat humbled, and sensing a glimmer of hope for my beloved country.
Use reason,
~ Clifford A.
They were a diverse group of several races and both sexes. I heard the young man exclaim, “Isn’t Obama like Jesus Christ? I mean, afte
r all, he is healing the sick.” The young woman enthusiastically proclaimed, “Yeah, and he does it for free. I cannot believe anyone would think that a free market would work for health care. Another said, ‘The stupid Republicans want us all to starve to death so they can inherit all of the power. Obama should be made a Saint for what he did for those of us less fortunate.” At this, I had more than enough.
I arose from my seat, mustering all the restraint I could find, and approached their table. “Please excuse me; may I impose upon you for one moment?” They smiled and welcomed me to the conversation. I stood at the end of their table, smiled as best I could and began an experiment.
“I would like to give one of you my house. It will cost you no money and I will pay all of the expenses and taxes for as long as you live there. Anyone interested?” They looked at each other in astonishment. “Why would you do something like that?” asked a young man, “There isn’t anything for free in this world.” They began to laugh at me, as they did not realize this man had just made my point. “I am serious, I will give you my house for free, no money what so ever. Anyone interested?” In unison, a resounding “Hell Yeah” fills the room.
“Since there are too many of you, I will have to make a choice as to who receives this money-free bargain.” I noticed an elderly couple was paying attention to the spectacle unfolding before their eyes, the old man shaking his head in apparent disgust. “I tell you what; I will give it to the one of you most willing to obey my rules.” Again, they looked at one another, an expression of bewilderment on their faces. The perky young woman asked, “What are the rules?” I smiled and said, “I don’t know. I have not yet defined them. However, it is a free home that I offer you.” They giggled amongst themselves, the youngest of which said, “What an old coot. He must be crazy to give away his home. Go take your meds, old man.” I smiled and leaned into the table a bit further. “I am serious, this is a legitimate offer.” They gaped at me for a moment.
“I’ll take it you old fool. Where are the keys?” boasted the youngest among them. “Then I presume you accept ALL of my terms then?” I asked.. The elderly couple seemed amused and entertained as they watched from the privacy of their table. “Oh hell yeah! Where do I sign up?” I took a napkin and wrote, “I give this man my home, without the burden of financial obligation, so long as he accepts and abides by the terms that I shall set forth upon consummation of this transaction.” I signed it and handed it to the young man who eagerly scratched out his signature. “Where are the keys to my new house?” he asked in a mocking tone of voice. All eyes were upon us as I stepped back from the table, pulling the keys from pocket and dangling them before the excited new homeowner.
“Now that we have entered into this binding contract, witnessed by all of your friends, I have decided upon the conditions you are obligated to adhere from this point forward. You may only live in the house for one hour a day. You will not use anything inside of the home. You will obey me without question or resistance. I expect complete loyalty and admiration for this gift I bestow upon you. You will accept my commands and wishes with enthusiasm, no matter the nature. Your morals and principles shall be as mine. You will vote as I do, think as I do and do it with blind faith. These are my terms. Here are your keys.” I reached the keys forward and the young man looked at me dumbfounded.
“Are you out of your mind? Who would ever agree to those ridiculous terms?” the young man appeared irritated. “You did when you signed this contract before reading it, understanding it and with the full knowledge that I would provide my conditions only after you committed to the agreement.” Was all I said. The elderly man chuckled as his wife tried to restrain him. I was looking at a now silenced and bewildered group of people. “You can shove that stupid deal up you’re a** old man, I want no part of it” exclaimed the now infuriated young man. “You have committed to the contract, as witnessed by all of your friends; you cannot get out of the deal unless I agree to it. I do not intend to let you free now that I have you ensnared. I am the power you agreed to. I am the one you blindly and without thought chose to enslave yourself to. In short, I am your Master.” At this, the table of celebrating individuals became a unified group against the unfairness of the deal.
After a few moments of unrepeatable comments and slurs, I revealed my true intent. “What I did to you is what this administration and congress did to you with the health care legislation. I easily suckered you in and then revealed the real cost of the bargain. Your folly was in the belief that you can have something you did not earn; that you are entitled to that which you did not earn; that you willingly allowed someone else to think for you. Your failure to research, study and inform yourself permitted reason to escape you. You have entered into a trap from which you cannot flee. Your only chance of freedom is if your new Master gives it to you. A freedom that is given can also be taken away; therefore, it is not freedom.” With that, I tore up the napkin and placed it before the astonished young man. “This is the nature of your new health care legislation.”
I turned away to leave these few in thought and contemplation and was surprised by applause. The elderly gentleman, who was clearly entertained, shook my hand enthusiastically and said, “Thank you Sir, these kids don’t understand Liberty these days.” He refused to allow me to pay my bill as he said, “You earned this one, it is an honor to pickup the tab.” I shook his hand in thanks, leaving the restaurant somewhat humbled, and sensing a glimmer of hope for my beloved country.
Use reason,
~ Clifford A.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Oh my!!!
Whole-Wheat Pumpkin Blueberry Pancakes
Makes 18 pancakes
2 cups white or regular whole-wheat flour (or 1 cup of each)
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups 1% milk
2 large eggs
1 cup LIBBY’S® 100% Pure Pumpkin
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup fresh blueberries or ½ cup NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Mini Morsels
Variations; add a bit of oatmeal, pecans and dried cherries
Pure maple syrup
1. COMBINE flour, baking powder, pumpkin pie spice and salt in large bowl. Combine milk, eggs, pumpkin and sugar in medium bowl; add to flour mixture. Stir just until moistened (batter may be lumpy). Fold in blueberries or morsels.
2. HEAT griddle or skillet over medium heat; brush lightly with oil. Pour 1/4 cup batter onto hot griddle; cook until bubbles begin to form (about 2 minutes). Turn; continue to cook about 1 minute longer or until golden brown. Repeat with remaining batter.
3. SERVE with maple syrup.
Makes 18 pancakes
2 cups white or regular whole-wheat flour (or 1 cup of each)
1 tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups 1% milk
2 large eggs
1 cup LIBBY’S® 100% Pure Pumpkin
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 cup fresh blueberries or ½ cup NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Mini Morsels
Variations; add a bit of oatmeal, pecans and dried cherries
Pure maple syrup
1. COMBINE flour, baking powder, pumpkin pie spice and salt in large bowl. Combine milk, eggs, pumpkin and sugar in medium bowl; add to flour mixture. Stir just until moistened (batter may be lumpy). Fold in blueberries or morsels.
2. HEAT griddle or skillet over medium heat; brush lightly with oil. Pour 1/4 cup batter onto hot griddle; cook until bubbles begin to form (about 2 minutes). Turn; continue to cook about 1 minute longer or until golden brown. Repeat with remaining batter.
3. SERVE with maple syrup.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Oh My!!
Pumpkin Banana Muffins/Bread:
2 ripe bananas, mashed
2 eggs
1/3 cup olive oil
1 1/3 cups canned pumpkin puree
1/2 cup honey
1/2 cup raw sugar
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3/4 cup raisins (optional) I used dried cherries instead
1/2 cup walnut pieces (optional) I used walnuts and pecans
NOTE: I doubled this recipe and used half honey half maple syrup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease an 9x5 inch loaf pan.
In a large bowl, stir together the mashed banana, eggs, oil, pumpkin, honey and sugar. Combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, pie spice and cinnamon, stir into the banana mixture until just combined. Fold in the raisins and walnuts if desired. Pour batter into the prepared pan.
Bake at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) for 45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean. Cool loaf in the pan for 10 minutes before moving to a wire rack to cool completely.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Friday, August 31, 2012
Goodness and Discovery
Black Bean and Rice Tostadas with
raw milk cheddar from Oryana
Strictly Grass Fed Filets from our farm -
Tomatoes from a friend
and beans from the store -
I have also made a discovery for all my women friends that are of that
Hormone additives in meats etc INCREASE hot flashes four fold - cut them out and they will drastically DECREASE - - I disovered this on my own - then started doing the research; Try it - it really really works - Deb
Here are some foods to eliminate from your diet if you want to alleviate menopause symptoms:
- Caffeine
- Alcohol
- Food coloring
- Preservatives
- Additives (including antibiotics and hormones in meat and poultry)
- Curries, chilies and fried foods
- Simple carbohydrates (a.k.a. “the white stuff”: refined sugar and flour, white rice)
What’s left? Enjoy these foods for optimum health during menopause:
- 8-10 glasses of water a day
- Fresh fruit and vegetables. Choose the darkest and most colorful: kale, spinach, broccoli, sweet peppers, yams, and blueberries
- Beans
- Soy
- Avocados
- Blueberries
- Salmon
- Olive oil, flaxseed oil, and omega3 fish oil
- Walnuts
- Complex carbohydrates (a.k.a. “the brown stuff”: whole grains, 100% whole wheat flour, brown rice)
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
GREAT idea... BLTs with a bit of CLASS
Discovered this on line the other day so
yesterday for lunch Jeremy and Katie tried it -
Weave together bacon in sandwich size
bake till crispy on a cookie sheet
Place on bread
add the rest of your BLT ingredients -
Its the perfect way to cook bacon for a BLT!!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
What to do this weekend if you are in the area
takes place this Saturday, July 21st!
Located in Marina Park, Suttons Bay
Keeping Cool on HOT, HOT summer Days
Never before has the heat got to me like it has this year -
Before when I used to seek out the sun
I find myself seeking out
quiet places in the SHADE -
Here in Northern Lower Michigan its unheard of for it to be
this HOT for this LONG -
We don't have A/C as I don't want to get acclimated to that
when there is so much work that needs to be done in the sun...
So I drink LOTS of water....
Eat lots of refreshing nourishing foods like
Fresh Green Leafy Salads with Fruits... with Veggies
light non house heating meals like
Egg White Frittatas with Kale, Tomatoes, Onion, Garlic & Feta
or just a Simple egg pan fried with Olive oil and spices -
Change that up and fry it in a slice of pepper -
Snacks are often just a bowl of cut of grapefruits and oranges with Sliced Banana -
Even our Fruit Flys enjoy being 4 weeks early!!
Fresh Frittata
Heart felt lunch
Eggs whites, seasonings and feta
pan fried in a pepper
Chopped salad so refreshing
Friday, July 13, 2012
Restaurant Reviews, Entertainment etc....
For a long time this blog was a guide
local entertainment
a place where I reviewed local restaurants etc.
Then I made it a "food" blog -
its going to be BOTH
so share with all your friends...
here you will find
Tonight don't miss
Friday the July 13, EEEEEEEEEKKK!!
is the second Friday of the month.
And that means Zen Stew is at Little Bohemia from 8:30-11:30p
Some of our friends from the Grand Funk crew will be stopping by after their Cherry Fest show.
Dancing will start as soon as you get there. The Little Bohemia phone number is 946-6925.
Lil Bo/Little Bohemia is at 540 West Front Street in Traverse City.
Zen Stew is a group of seasoned pro musicians that have decided to get together and play songs and grooves they love. Mike Marois and Tim Sparling met back in ’73 and in ’75 along with Newt Cole, put together the infamous Newt and The Salamanders. Drummer extraordinaire, Roger Tarczon became a Salamander and the band morphed through the years and presently, along with our Zen Stew bassist, Jack Conners, is Mike’s band, The Fabulous Horndogs. Tim and Roger continue to jam with Drew Abbott in their Leo Creek band.
Zen Stew is playing this and every second Friday of each month at Little Bohemia Pub and Grille.
Dancing will start at 8:30pm and go until 11:30p. The Lil Bo phone number is 946-6925.
Good food, too.
See you there - Tim, Mike, Jack and Roger
And that means Zen Stew is at Little Bohemia from 8:30-11:30p
Some of our friends from the Grand Funk crew will be stopping by after their Cherry Fest show.
Dancing will start as soon as you get there. The Little Bohemia phone number is 946-6925.
Lil Bo/Little Bohemia is at 540 West Front Street in Traverse City.
Zen Stew is a group of seasoned pro musicians that have decided to get together and play songs and grooves they love. Mike Marois and Tim Sparling met back in ’73 and in ’75 along with Newt Cole, put together the infamous Newt and The Salamanders. Drummer extraordinaire, Roger Tarczon became a Salamander and the band morphed through the years and presently, along with our Zen Stew bassist, Jack Conners, is Mike’s band, The Fabulous Horndogs. Tim and Roger continue to jam with Drew Abbott in their Leo Creek band.
Zen Stew is playing this and every second Friday of each month at Little Bohemia Pub and Grille.
Dancing will start at 8:30pm and go until 11:30p. The Lil Bo phone number is 946-6925.
Good food, too.
See you there - Tim, Mike, Jack and Roger
Local Restaurant Reviews;
Scale from 1 - 10 (10 being your tummy& taste buds will be delighted)
Harringtons by the Bay;
has a great new Happy Hour Menu - check it out... 10+
Little sister of the above -great new spot in TC where the bay leaf was -
if you are craving a bit of ITALY - check them out you will not be disappointed!! 9
Newest Restaurant on the block;
Harbor 22
where Scotts Harbor Grill used to be - what can I say -
(will give them a few more weeks before we rate this one but don't have the fish tacos)
For the latest in SWEET TREATS... theres a little place in TC where one can find Frozen Yogurt;
Sugar Kissed - its good - its fat free and gluten free - while a bit to chemical tasting for the heath nut in me its GOOD - your taste buds will do a little boogie woogie!!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Kinda Greek Salad
Coleslaw mix
fresh chopped basil
lightly browned pine nuts with garlic and olive oil
feta (because I didn't have motzerella)
Fustinis balsamic vinaigrette
a splash of tuscan herb oil and garlic oil
a bit o salami if you want...
Delish light lunch!
Friday, June 29, 2012
Monday, June 25, 2012
Beware of the scams and quick fixes!!
The ONLY way to be healthy and fit
is to Eat healthy and keeping moving -
on todays menu for lunch we had
Pesto Stir Fry;
Shredded Broccoli cabbage blend,
Peppers, Onions, Asparagus, garlic and pepper
Mix in homemade pesto -
a touch of feta till it melts and serve
(good cold too)
Cooking and eating healthy is
a little imagination and whole foods -
Friday, June 22, 2012
Ohhhhh Look what I found today
Make your own vitamin water. Add fruits instead of sugar for a natural sweetener for your H20. Cut the fruit into paper-thin slices or small chunks. Combine ingredients with water. Refrigerate 4-6 hours and serve over ice. So delicious and very refreshing!
Found it here;
1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.
2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.
3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.
4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.
5 Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!
6.. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!
7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.
8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don't have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe,
its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.
9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!
10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown to reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.
11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.
12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but it won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.
13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Asparagus -- Who knew?
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Todays lunch... Healthy and oh so YUMMY...
YES those words
can be in the same sentence!!
Inspired by my friend Cheryl - THANK YOU
Summer Noodle Salad -
2 cups of shredded chicken or Tuna
2 cups of shredded chicken or Tuna
1 cup Chobani yogurt - Plain
1/4 cup of Brianna's Blush Salad Dressing
1/2 cup of diced onion preferably Valdalia
1 cup dried cherries
1 cup dried blueberries
2 crispy sweet apples your choice
a bit of garlic pepper, basil...
Mix with noodles of your choice
ENJOY - this wonderful summer cooler
with a glass ofFresh Organic Iced Green Tea
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Water, Water, Water....
to keep HEADACHES at bay (no pun intended)
add some lemons or limes if plain water is well
too plain ;-)
add some lemons or limes if plain water is well
too plain ;-)
Keep Hydrated to Reduce Joint Pain and Headaches
Written by ShirleyWardTuesday, 22 February 2011 03:19
“As we’re made up of 70% water if levels reduce the body simply can’t function properly. We lose on average 1.5 litres daily, just through normal functioning so topping up daily is crucial to ensure good health.” says Shirley Ward, Sundial’s Nutritionist.
Feeling thirsty is actually one of the last signs you’re dehydrated; let’s look at how the body reacts if you’re not a regular water drinker.
When water levels reduce the body reacts by trying to conserve as much water as possible, in case this situation continues. Blood vessels tighten and contract, to try to cope with reduced fluid content and blood becomes thicker and more concentrated. The heart therefore has to work harder to pump blood through.
Headaches & Dehydration
The body has no reserve supply of water, so when levels reduce it prioritises distribution to the most important areas, i.e. the brain, leaving other areas to struggle without adequate hydration.
The brain is heavily water-dependant (containing 85%), so when levels drop it simply can’t function properly. Studies show that even a 2% water loss can cause a 20% drop in mental and physical energy!
When blood vessels contract in the brain, to cope with reduced fluid content, this leads to a reduced supply of blood and oxygen; hence the link between dehydration and headaches.
Joint Pain/Inflammation & Dehydration
Joints are made up of 55% water; if levels reduce they become weaker and less lubricated. If this situation continues dehydration can be a key contributing factor to joint pain and inflammation. Where inflammation occurs adequate water levels are needed to remove inflammatory debris.
So How Can I Help Myself?
Ensuring adequate daily water intake is such an easy way to improve health and help address issues such as headaches and joint pain and inflammation.
Increasing daily water intake is a great start; aim to gradually increase to 1.5 to 2 litres daily.
If you’re not a major water fan, fruit or herbal teas count towards your daily amount (there’s such a wide selection available to try in supermarkets), plus chicory/rye coffee alternative drinks (available from health-food stores).
Coffee and tea have mild diuretic properties, so can actually contribute to water loss, so reducing intake is a good idea.
Choosing foods high in water-content such as “crunchy” lettuce, cucumber, radishes and peppers and “juicy” fruits such as melons and peaches can also help towards hydration.
Water = good health: keep drinking!!
Visit to find out how nutritional therapy can help you achieve your health goals.
The above is provided as general nutritional advice.
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