Healthy living thru life style changes and attitude - here you will find, tips, recipes, safety checks, motivation and inspiration
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Piggy chops
Ahhhh the season changes
Lesser Known Fibro Symptoms
Most people who suffer from fibromyalgia are familiar with the condition’s many common symptoms. These include pain, fatigue, fibro fog, depression, anxiety, stiffness and irritable bowel syndrome. It’s likely that if you suffer from fibromyalgia, you will suffer from most – if not all – of these symptoms.
Which of these less common fibromyalgia symptoms do you suffer from? How do you cope?
1. Chest Pain
Sharp pain in your chest is a worrying feeling and shouldn’t be ignored as it can often be an unrelated health issue. However, it’s often associated with fibromyalgia, as the chest is one of the trigger points where fibro patients experience pain. Sometimes this can lead to a shortness of breath, but more commonly it is a sharp pain in the chest area without any other side effects. Gentle exercises and deep breathing can help ease this pain, as can heat and gentle massage.
2. Dry Skin and Itching
Dry skin and itching is another symptom some fibromyalgia patients experience. Often skin can appear flaky and dry and those dry areas often become itchy. If you scratch at your skin, rashes can then appear or skin can appear bruised. Apparently the itchiness may be a result of pain signals being misunderstood by the brain, so it’s important to keep your skin moisturized and try to avoid scratching.
3. Tingling and Numbness
I think this is one of the more common lesser known symptoms. Tingling and numbness, also known as paresthesia, commonly exists in the hands and feet as a result of extensive use, and rest or massage can sometimes help this. However, your tingling can be caused by anxiety as a result of shortness of breath causing reduced blood flow. Deep breathing can often be found to improve paresthesia.
4. Excessive Sweating
This occurs as a result of an autonomic dysfunction in the area of the brain that controls sweating, bowel movements and other body functions. It can occur as a side effect of fibromyalgia and therefore requires fibro patients to carefully control their body temperature – something we are often used to as many fibro sufferers find heat/cold impacts our pain.
5. Poor Balance and Special Disorientation
Losing balance is a frequent occurrence for some fibromyalgia sufferers. It is believed this is because we carry less lower body strength and our legs are less stable. Because of that, we are less able to steady ourselves when there is a risk of falling. Not only that, but the risk of falling is often increased due to special disorientation (sometimes an effect of fibro fog) and other balance-related side effects like ringing in the ears or blurred vision.
6. Heightened Sensitivity
Heightened sensitivity to touch, also known as allodynia, results in pain from things that wouldn’t normally cause you discomfort. Hyperalgesia is the term for feeling extreme pain. These two conditions as part of fibromyalgia can lead to immense discomfort. For example, something that causes some pain such as stubbing your toe or knocking your elbow can be excruciating to a fibro patient, and something that shouldn’t hurt at all like a friend patting you on the back when greeting you can cause great pain.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
West Muffin
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Journal or Blog
I have a blog for that - it starts in a journal... then it spills on to the screen -
it helps - it heals - it reveals! I have a blog for such posts -
actually - I have 5 blogs ;-)
Thursday, February 19, 2015
I don't like powders n shakes!! Fad diets - beware they are NOT good for you
I have actually had to hide some people so I am not tempted
to post "to the contrary" posts on their walls -
do the research make sure all the hype is what they say it is!
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Garlic Stuffed Pork Roast
Pita Pizzas
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Shredded Apple Museli Crisp
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Rahs Tuna Melt
Thursday, January 8, 2015
Eat Healthy Keep Moving but BE HAPPY
As a mother of four daughters, I am very aware of how much our society is obsessed with body image, and how it can be a big part of a girls self-esteem. Each of my daughters have a different body type. With all the girls in our family, we have curvy bodies, straight and thin bodies, athletic with larger muscles, and petite bodies. I have worked hard to teach my girls that each of their bodies have their own beauty and strength. I tell them not to compare to each other, but instead, to celebrate their own unique qualities, and we all celebrate that we have strong healthy bodies. (Learn more about the dangers of comparing HERE).
I haven’t always been so kind and loving to myself when it came to my own body. There were many years that I struggled with trying to get thinner, (even though I wasn’t overweight) and I was also constantly trying to make myself taller! At 5’4″, I felt like my legs were too short, and I was constantly wearing heels, or tall shoes to make me appear a few inches taller than I actually was. I became obsessed with working out, and constantly checking the scale to see if I was losing weight. (For some thoughts on why you should throw out the scale, click HERE) Exercising became the most important thing in my day, and I wouldn’t be able to relax until I got it done each day. I was simply not happy, or content with how I looked. One day, I was spending some quiet time for myself, and suddenly I had a thought. My body is perfectly healthy. I am strong. I can run for miles, bike, and play with my kids. This is a gift I had been given from God, and so why was I not grateful for it? This hit me like a ton of bricks, and suddenly my perspective changed. I realized that I FELT amazing. And just like THIS quote says, I am enough. I suddenly knew that I needed to find better balance in my life and change my mindset about why I was working out and eating healthy. One of the things I always point out to my girls now is that it isn’t so important what our bodies look like, as how we feel. The reason I choose to eat healthy, and exercise and keep myself active is so that I can live my life without sickness, pain, and limitations that might come from not taking care of my body. I want to stay healthy so I can hike, ride bikes, travel, and essentially live my life! It is not because I want to “look” a certain way. And I love my body because it is perfect for me, not because it is “normal” by the world’s standards, because according to them, it isn’t.
It is all well and good when we can be comfortable with ourselves just the way we are, and to celebrate our bodies. I want to go back to my original thought. Why is it that we are so obsessed with our bodies and how they look? As women, we have so many gifts, and talents, and we bring so much value to this beautiful world. And guess what? We are so much deeper than what our bodies look like. When I think of each of my daughters and the immense talent and creativity they possess, I get so excited to think of what they can contribute to society. They are talented at writing, composing music, painting and drawing, singing, and dancing. They have hearts bigger than the sun, and they spend time serving others. They are amazing at creating delicious food, they listen to others, and help lift them. They love to use fashion and design to create cute outfits and express themselves. I could go on and on about all the value and goodness they possess. I use my daughters as an example, because I know them. But they represent every woman and girl. This is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the collective value we as women and girls bring to society. But what if we are so focused and obsessed with trying to obtain the perfect “normal” body, that we don’t have time to develop all these other beautiful and creative parts of ourselves.
What if we took all the time we spent on obsessing about what our bodies look like, and invested it in developing our creativity. What if we stopped comparing our bodies to each other and loved ourselves for who we are. When we love ourselves, we can begin to grow and develop.
I have a theory about why society is so obsessed with body image, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Think of how much money is made off of women trying to improve their bodies. I love this quote by Dr. Gail Dines,
“If tomorrow women woke up and decided they really liked their bodies, just think how many industries would go out of business.”
It’s no wonder that society makes a big push to tell you to improve your body! We are making them billions of dollars, as we buy products and services trying to fit the mold.
I know that my value as a woman is much deeper than the appearance of my body. I will remind myself of that every day, and I will continue to teach my daughters through example. For, if I can love myself for who I am, then hopefully, they will learn to love themselves for who they are. Together we can all live our best lives, and bring to this beautiful world, all the creative, and unique gifts we were meant to bring!
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