Last night a conversation about “eggs” was triggered by an article in
The paper that says eggs are good for you –
I stated,” YES, Eggs from Free Range all naturally raised chickens are good
For you – however eggs from chickens raised in huge commercial operations
Are not good for you…”. Honestly – stop & think about it;
how can you take a bird, Feed it growth hormones, antibiotics, arsenic etc…
and expect it to produce a healthy egg made for human consumption – you
are going to lose something in the process – that something is anything of
any natural nutritional value…
Someone made the comment “Health Gospel according to Deb”… no this
Is NOT according to Deb – this is according to anyone who understands
the true process of nature - -
If you take a chicken and give it a choice of commercial feed or bugs, grass,
veggies, worms… it will choose bugs, grass, worms, veggies - - when a chicken
feeds on those things its healthier, happier & its eggs yolks are a beautiful dark
orange –filled with Omega 3s & other cholesterol fighting, cancer fighting ingredients!
Take away all those things you will have sickly pale yellow yoke that equals no goodness at all!!!
Please don’t complain about your health if you are unwilling to change your habits
to make yourself healthier… There is no instant cure, it takes time, only you can
make the changes! If you get back to eating what nature intended you should eat
you will feel better –
This is not off the cuff speaking this is 10 years worth of experience –
I was diagnosed with Firbromyalgia 8 years ago - - the first thing they did was give me
A prescription… it had the opposite affect on me of what it was suppose to do –
I was miserable, I felt awful and I cried for 3 months - - so I started doing research - -
I found that daily moderate exercise and being very careful of what I was feeding on had
drastic affects on how I felt – If I ate food with crap in it I felt like crap - -
If I ate naturally good for you foods, I felt good - - I’ve proved it over and over again…
It took time but soon my immediate family was noticing the difference too - - We learned to experiment with recipes revamping them to make them healthy it’s a fun and tasty experience! Then we had the chance to start the farm - - so more studying was involved… Did you know cows were not meant to eat grains… their digestive systems
Are only made to eat grass/hay… if you feed them grains they get sick… then they
Require antibiotics and so starts the un – natural cycle and decline of a milk or meat
That is fit for human consumption - -
While I realize that to feed the masses – they must continue the large commercial sales –
BUT we can change our immediate surroundings because you can eat LOCAL - -
Farms are popping up all over with foods raised the way “Nature” intended
People always wait till they get sick then make the changes –
Why not make the changes now so you have a better chance of not getting sick –
Then there are those of you who will say but it cost so much more to eat that way –
Yes it does cost more but you can either;
“Pay for Healthy foods now or Pay the Doctor later”
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